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coding leipzig chapter five

Thu, May 9, 2019
4:30 PM UTC

Hooray, it's May! And along the spring fever will arise the next episode of coding leipzig. Without too much seasonal interpretation we're very pleased to announce that we found an industry location host who'll also take care for amenities and delivers a handson Spring Framework / Kotlin talk for this meetup: thank you Jambit ( for making that possible in your new Leipzig office in the very center of the town!!

Here's our agenda:

6:30pm - doors open at Jambit
7:00pm - introduction round: why are we here and what do we do?
7:15pm - Lucas Felix de Sousa (Jambit / Getting started with Spring Boot and Kotlin.
8:00pm - have a beer and a pizza
8:15pm - Andreas Ulm (root360): Peak-Load Traffic at AWS
8:40pm-sunrise: have a chat + a beer || or something non-spiritual

Please obey the main commandments of all coding leipzig meetups:

- everything you do (on stage) must deal with code. Every slidedeck comes with at least 1 line of code.
- you do talk about coding leipzig
- food is not always free, but maybe you get a t-shirt
- everyone can become a (better) developer

All contributions follow our golden "*1 line of code*" rule, so demos and live code will be abound. You don't have to register to get into our stream but if you do, we send you updates (and nothing else) like the final YouTube URL of the stream before the event.

Thu, May 9, 2019, 4:30 PM

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